Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Power of Gemstones Part – II : Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

The Power of Gemstones Part – II : Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

Jupiter or Brihaspati represents wisdom and hence, wearing of Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj is beneficial in attainment of knowledge of law, wit, worldly happiness, long life, glory, prosperity, mental peace, physical power and Para physical bliss. With so many positives, Pukhraj sure is a worthy stone to be worn. Authors, businessmen, traders and writers would be most benefited with the Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj.
Pukhraj is recommended for girls to remove any delay in marriage. Also, a happy conjugal marital life is blessed to a Pukhraj wearer. Pukhraj acts as a pacifier as it helps in calming down the anger by providing sharp sightedness. Strengthening bonds in family and relationships is another positive of Pukhraj.
Pukhraj bestows wisdom, vigor, good luck, name, fame and longevity. Marriage related problems don’t arise in a Pukhraj wearers’ life. Also, he/she would progress spiritually and be fearless of evil vibrations. Pukhraj is well-recognized to be highly beneficial for people suffering from fever, kidney problems, cough or rheumatism, arthritis, insomnia, impotency and ulcers.
Yellow Sapphire brings wealth and health to the wearer.
Blue sapphire or Neelam represents Shani or Saturn which rules the zodiacs Capricorn and Aquarius. Shani is considered the most malefic planet among all but the final effect of Shani is always good. It throws one into adversities and misfortunes, but ultimately, it all sums up to be good for the person.
Neelam stone's effects are observed sooner than other gemstones. Proving to be effective and fruitful, Neelam destroys away poverty, sorrows, diseases, faults and accelerates prosperity, life-span, food and overall strength of the wearer. Neelam also brings back any lost property or funds lost before wearing the stone. If Neelam is unfavorable, it does all the opposites. The wearers' efforts and hard work may go waste and Neelam may end up shoving the wearer's life down the destruction lane.
Hence, Neelam should only be worn after proper consultation from an astrologer and test it for a week before finally wearing it.
Gomed or Hessonite is the gemstone which helps in countering the negative effects of Rahu in a person’s birth chart and helps in accelerating life in a positive direction. Gomed is honey tinged blackish in color.
Presence of a powerful Rahu in horoscope spells mental disturbances, worries, tensions and strained relationships. This person suffers from abdominal disturbances and mental pressure. Also struggled life, hindrances in business, quarrels, shortage of money and a disturbed career path is predicted for this person.
Wearing of Gomed is highly recommended for those who are in legal practices, court affairs and people in politics. Also, anyone associated with gambling can wear Gomed. It gives mental peace and frees one from tensions. Hessonite exposes enemies before the wearer’s eyes.
The honey-tinged Gomed is associated with Rahu. A blue, colorless white or green variety of Hessonite is not associated with Rahu. A transparent Gomed with uniform color, brilliance and luster has the power to neutralize evil effects of Rahu. If Rahu is well-positioned, Gomed helps tap the benefits of Rahu during its Major periods and Sub periods.
Gomed provides clarity of mind, accelerates spiritual growth and removes fears. Stomach ailments are removed and so are any delays in career path. It clears the hurdles and helps one race towards the ambition minus hindrances. Professional excellence is another facet of Gomed.
Cat’s eye gemstone or Lahsuniya is for Ketu. Found in a variety of colors ranging from yellow, white, black or smoky/dark green, Cat’s eye looks similar to the eye of a cat. It has a band of light moving across the stone called the chatoyance. This band is common in all colors of Lahsuniya or Cat’s eye gemstone. A cat’s eye with a white band of light is the best one among all gemstones. Like a cat’s eye, this gemstone shines in darkness. But in total darkness, it remains opaque. It needs a little light to shine.
Anyone whose Rahu, Ketu or Saturn is malefic, Cat’s eye is considered very beneficial for them. When there are hurdles in business, despair in life or any fear of accidents, one should wear Cat’s eye gemstone. Cat’s eye is believed to be a giver of bliss, bravery, strength, pleasure and brightness in life. Also, wearing Cat’s eye is good for anyone who is having any kind of problems in conception as Cat’s eye is considered good for offspring.
Lahsuniya would not even save one from enemies but also help conquering them. It is known to protect one from hidden enemies, dangers or diseases. It destroys poverty, calamities, diseases, sorrow and saves one from evil and negative effects around. Money stays longer and in case of loss, Cat’s eye is beneficial in retrieving the lost money.
Shielding one against governmental punishment, intoxication and drowning, Cat’s eye proves to be very fortunate for gamblers


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