Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Power Of Gemstones, Part – I : Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

The  Power  Of  Gemstones, Part  – I :  Pt. Umesh Chandra Pant

Gemstone is extremely radioactive and has the capacity to attract the special cosmic rays towards it. Wearing of gemstones after proper astrological consideration of one’s horoscope, can save mental imbalance, physical suffering and financial obstacles. In this way gemstones serve as our armour and body guard.  Some gemstones works detail are as follows.
Ruby or Manik is a mineral (stone) that represents the Sun or Surya.  Ranging from crimson to scarlet reds and pinks to deep ruddy violet, Manik is found in a variety of colors. A solid stone, ruby, in its finest quality has a delicate rose color. Manik’s effect lasts for four years since the very day it is worn.
Manik is the birthstone for people who are born Leo. It must also be worn by people who have a weak Sun in their birth chart. Manik is known to improve financial condition, impart prosperity, name and fame to the wearer. Also, according to a belief, the Manik wearer is blesses with a son. If you are aspiring a high office position, Manik will definitely be beneficial for you.
Manik symbolizes power and freedom. It helps in attaining good luck and long life coupled with cordial relations and stimulated energy levels. When worn close to heart, Manik stimulates love. Any afflictions caused by the Sun are warded off if a person wears Manik or Ruby. Leadership qualities are enhanced and the Ruby wearer is accelerated to the forefront. Also, intellect is directly affected by Manik.
Manik is recommended for diplomats, merchants, actors, Government officials, stock exchangers, jewelers, engineers and those who aspire to have name and fame in life. For enhanced creativity, fame and good health, Ruby is a strongly suggested.
Natural pearls or moti are solidified rain drops that fall into the mouth of pearl oysters during the 'Swati Nakshatra'. Today, scientists provide us with cultured pearls because of the increasing attraction and demand for Moti. Substances like rain drops are infused into the sea shells during the ‘Swati Nakshatra’. The sea shells cover them up with coral substance with layer after layer of nacre. This is how cultured Pearls are created. Real and cultured pearls can be formed in the same sea shell; hence both are given equal importance. Available in a variety of colors, Moti is a popular gemstone.
Moon has a significant effect on the human mind as per Astrology. People who usually find themselves in a disturbed state of mind or blow are advised to wear the Moti. Pearl is a pacifier. It calms the mental inconsistency and strengthens heart.
Wearing Moti brings family pleasure, better financial status, intensifies administrative traits, makes the person calm and kind, blessed by parents, wealthy and most importantly, enhances imagination and intuition. Moti is said to increase the learning capacity and overall intelligence. Also, it cures abdominal diseases. As per medical science, Moti is beneficial for any diseases related to heart, urine, eyes, throat, calcium deficiency indigestion and any general weakness. Wearing moti radiates on the face as mind is at peace and body is free of ailments. If a mother buys Moti for her child, it is most beneficial for the child.
Moti helps to stabilize emotions and control temper. Pearl represents love, happiness and success and is definitely the best gift to give to loved ones.
In ancient times, it was believed that Coral prevents ill fortune and when worn as a necklace, it protects one from skin diseases. A dream about coral was interpreted in terms of a recovery from a prolonged illness.
Coral or Moonga is a symbol of the energy of blood. A dark coral helps in stimulating the bloodstream whereas the shades of pink help in restoring harmony. Coral relieves from depression, nutritional deficiency and lethargy. Wearing Coral helps in meditation and visualization. Also, it makes the wearer more courageous to confront and solve problems and situations and also induce risk-taking ability. Eradicating negative effects that are posing hindrance, Moonga also increases one’s authority. Chicken-hearted people and the ones who easily are overpowered by enemies are recommended Coral. Moonga is a perfect gem for a happy conjugal life as it helps restore calm in conflict situations.
Moonga is also recommended for electricians, players, surgeons, policemen, soldiers and workers in ordinance factory. It increases self-assurance and administrative potential. In transactions of land and properties, Moonga is highly beneficial. Moonga allows flow and change in life and keeps a tab on emotions.
Emerald or Panna  helps to counter the ill effects of Mercury. The Emerald Stone belongs to the beryl gem family. It is light, deep green in color. Finding a flawless emerald stone is very difficult and this makes it rare. A pleasant and soothing gem, Panna is related to love as it gives peaceful vibes and also captivates heart. Panna stone’s effect lasts for three years since the very day it is worn.
Found in coal mines, the Panna Stone is a delicate and fragile gemstone. High levels of carbon are responsible for black spots and filaments on Emerald. In a genuine emerald, a black spots or cracks are a common sight but this does not pose any hurdle in its utility.
Panna is a pacifier and when worn, helps soothe mental disturbances and tensions. Also, it is found that Panna accelerates reasoning potential, presence of mind and spiritual power. Emerald Stone is recommended for diplomats, architects, doctors, businessmen, engineers, writers, teachers, publishers and intellectuals. Also, it is believed that the Goddess of Learning blesses the emerald wearer with sharp intellect. Panna Stone wards off the evil effects by spirits and nightmares.
Many notions are associated with Panna. Tying Panna Stone around the waist of a pregnant woman makes the delivery easy and less painful. Presenting Emerald to lover is considered very auspicious as it favors a better bonding and flourishing love. An Emerald wearer is safe from anyone planning to harm him/her as the person’s intentions would be exposed sooner. The Emerald Stone wearer possesses a loving heart, magnanimity, a peaceful mind and wealth.
Weak mercury in a person’s horoscope results in ailments like asthma, stammering, cough, etc. Hence, in such condition, Emerald is considered a healer. Panna also helps in improving eye sight and memory. Wearing Panna Stone also helps in reducing anger outbursts and attain a calm state of mind.

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